System Of A Down
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The meanings of S.O.A.D (written by KaYtE)
most people i know have heard of system of a down because of songs like chop suey but not alot of people know why the band is called system of a down and they are missing out on a big message which comes thru in ALOT of their songs and in my opinion if u dont kno wot the songs are about there aint much point in listening to heres where i come in

This is all of S.O.A.D
S.O.A.D are (starting from the left)
Serj Tankian- Vocals, Keyboards/Samples
Daron Malakian- Guitars, Backround vocals
John Dolmayan- Drums
Shavo Odadjian- Bass
  System of a Down basically means our system of a down u probs might not get that so i will explain futher (btw i got most of this stuff from just reading the back of System of a Downs first album)
Alot of it is against politics and the way everything is run on this world and the rules that are made. "technoligal terroism in times of complete chaos" my interpretation of this is the technology we have will be taken too far and will destroy us...this could be in the form of a nuclear war, changing the genes of unborn children or giving machines a brain. "freedom will only be avalible through revolution or death" these two things are mentioned in many songs. alot of songs are about fighting against the rules. "this system of a down is unavoidable as life on this planet becomes unnecassary" i think this quote sums it all up and speaks for itself.

To explain the hand on the front of their first album:
"the hand has five fingers, capable and powerful, with the ability to destroy as well as create. (we have the power to stop and reverse the tides of time by making our awareness of abuse known to the powers of industry and their uncouth political arms.) only by raising this awareness and premoting personal peace within todays self-defeatist society, can we allow the planet a chance to avoid self destruction."

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so there's more to S.O.A.D than you think and thats why i like them so much
other songs...
alot of their other songs are about drugs coz obviously they take them!! "dont you ever get stuck in the sky when your high" is a line from one of my fav songs ; peephole. i think they mostly take cocaine.

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Album called System Of A Down
This is the album I have and it fukin rulz!!

And here they are again...
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.