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Hello my name is.....
O.k, o.k, my name isn't johnny and neither is my mate's but it's a great name don't you think. We are Danielle and Kayte. We decided to make a site dedicated to music because...well...we like music obviously. Kurt, Lyrics, Info, everything we could be botherd to put on here just for your viewing pleasure! Have fun because it's gunna take long enough to make it right so go on!!! go!!! look!! be amazed by this brilliant music site!! woohoo! go team!!!
We picked the name johnny because, wait, we didn't! System of a down did!!! If you've heard the song johnny you will now understand where the name came from! If you ain't heard it....WHY THE HELL NOT??? it's a really cool, but funny song. We were just sitting trying to think of a name for the site and saying random word's like, JELLO!!!!! CREAMPUFF!!!!! DEATHJELLO!!!!! and we came out with HELLOMYNAMEISJOHNNY!!!!
So it was done, and it was good. We created the site, and it was a joyus day. all were happy and,..... why the hell did i just start sounding like a frigging bible?!?! errrr.....
....Yes johnny it was, and then we talked about all the various thing's and idea's we had for the site. Now we got the site, and we will edit it and make it better all the time, so you won't get too bored.....
Katye 's Fave picture
Did anyone just get the feeling that Katye likes Kurt Cobain?

First message from Danielle ......
Hay everyone...
..I hope you will, yes YOU WILL!!! enjoy our site once it get's going. It WILL rule and you WILL love it, because if you don't i will have to go on a massive killing spree...
...ok maybe not but still you WILL like it or i will find a large implament to hit you upside the head with!!

First message from Kayte .....
hey dudes, dudettes, panda's and freeks of the world!! me and dani's site is gonna rule!! itz gonna have kool bands like NIRVANA (KURT COBAIN!!!!!) S.O.A.D, Jack off Jill, Blink 182 etc on it and ova kool stuff. SO CHECK IT OUT!! and keep comin back coz we are like gonna keep changing it! one more word (dedicated to dudevid:) PANDA!! oh wait and anuva one: DUDE!!!!!!!

Danielle 's Fave picture
Yes!!!! Danielle likes the Smashing pumkin's!!!

I'd like to say that Sarah rules! (from us)